Here's a picture of when I started the quilting. (with markings and pins)
This is only the 2nd large (twin size) quilt I've ever machine quilted. Possibly only the 2nd quilt I've ever machine quilted, but I could be wrong. I'm coming up blank. Well, I have done a few others but just stitch in the ditch. Anyway I Googled "wind looking quilting" and found something I liked, downloaded and re-sized in Photoshop and printed. Then I traced it onto medium mesh tulle with a Sharpie.
This was an idea EC came up with many moons ago for a sign I wanted to paint and I thought I'd try it here. Concept was fine. Execution could have been disasterous. I started marking the top with a blue water soluble marking pen (which tends to be my preference) and after doing a whole double row and starting the next row, I discovered that the blue had dissolved some of the permanent black right onto my quilt! My TwiQuilters buddies advised me to use alcohol (rubbing, not drinking ;)). When I finished the quilting I threw it in the wash and was relieved to find that the marks did come out. Whew....
So now I need new machine quilting gloves. (hint, hint to anyone wondering what to get me for my birthday, or next exchange, or just because - a med/lg would work just great! ) =D