A little Sweet Tweet

While I have a few minutes I thought I'd share a quick little project I did today. Nothing fancy, but Pixie loved it. I got her a plain wedgewood blue leotard a few weeks ago at a kids consignment store down the street. I thought it was a good coincidence cuz I'd bought her a lilac one that's almost exactly the same about 4 years ago at another kids consignment store. And now little Ariel is currently wearing that one. So they kinda match. ;) But they are both very plain in comparison to the leos they were wearing before.

So to add a little something I used some felt scrapbooking embellishments and just stitched a few on by hand. I love it when I can crossover hobbies. And when I actually use something in my stash! I think it came out cute, and now it's got something. Now I'll just add a couple to Ariel's when it gets laundered later this week. :)