Twi Thursday - Look what I dusted off!

Just over two years ago as I stumbled around the TwilightMOMs chat forum, I found a chat thread titled "Twilight Quilt Mystery Style" that immediately peaked my interest.  Twilight.  Quilt.  Yes Please!  The chat hadn't been around too long by the time I joined in.  This was the beginning of a whole new chapter for me.  You see, I've been quilting for 12 years, but for the first 10 yrs my machine rarely got any action.  I remember having the cover on it for months at a time.  But I felt strongly enough about the Twilight Saga and had the encouragement of my new online friends, plus patterns to get me started, and so I dug in to making myself a Twilight Quilt!  Within a few weeks I had this:

This was a combination of the patterns given for the "Mystery Quilt" itself (that had been set up on a site called Zeppelin Threads, which no longer exists) patterns discovered on Sewhooked** plus a couple of alterations and and even a couple of things made up by moi!  Including a paper pieced meadow!  Me the "wannabe" quilter was suddenly busting out some mad skills!  I know someday the OCD will kick in and I'll give you the deets on the individual blocks, but right now I'm just concentrating on overviews.  My buddy Elizabeth over at Such a Sew and Sew has ALL the details of her Twilight Quilt.  There's some overlap as we have pirated :pirate: borrowed ideas back and forth.  I'm even mentioned a couple of times in her posts.   Hmmm....might have to go steal some of her code.....oops did I say that out loud? :ninja:

Right after getting all those blocks done we started this crazy talk about making a quilt for Stephenie Meyer, and then followed up with crazier talk about quilts for New Moon then forward two years and I've been a madwoman with that machine, belting out many a block and quilt in the Twilight theme.....and yet, this is what my quilt looks like right now:

So yes, there are a few more blocks.  The design evolved a little as we found more and more cool patterns (majority coming from our cool Cat down under) and came up with our own during the three group quilts I participated in.  Going through my photos recently I was shocked to find that the last time I worked on my quilt was last March.  Really, it's been a year?!  So guess what.  I'm going to be totally selfish and make this my #1 sewing priority right now.  I'm not going to go so far as to say I want to finish it by my birthday early May to make it a gift to myself because I have a few tops I'd like to practice quilting on first and I already have my present on order. :flower:  (I'd hoped to reveal that here this week, but it's got a longer lead time than I expected - Boooo) 

Here are the original plan for my Twi Quilt (gotta think of a name for it) and the revised one side by side.  I'm going to play with the design again because while I want to make it small enough to hang on the wall, with all the cool blocks I just have to include, it's getting crowded.  I think I need more "white space".

** Jennifer Ofenstein, incredibly talented designer, creator of Sewhooked, has a fabulous site with TONS of free patterns, and some special ones for sale, and is currently running the Project of Doom BOTW , a Harry Potter Paper Piecing Block of the Week project, on Live Journal.  It's easiest if you just check out her blog for all the up to date info.
** Catherine Magraith, our Coven sister in Australia, ran a Twilight Crafts BOM (Block of the Month) on Live Journal.  All her beginner and advanced patterns, many of these used in all the Twilight projects I've worked on, are being hosted on Sewhooked as well.