Hi. It's been a while. I could fill a page explaining all the real life things, both the good (like I'm very close to getting caught up in my Project Life album) and the bad (like stomach flu came thru our house this week) that have been going on preventing me from posting. But that's not really what I want to do in this space. I knew from the get go that blogging for blogging's sake was not my biggest priority in leading a meaningful life. It's just a spot for me to share some of my creative side, some of my favorite memories.
I was feeling guilty because so far I have not done much posting. I felt this pressure that I was failing again. Starting something and not following through. But then thru the Ali Edwards FB page I came across a video by Dr. Brene Brown (and it's no longer on the site that was linked before and I can't find it, but I'll keep searching because it is a wonderful message). She talks about the societal pressures right now to do so many things at once and to seek out meaning in our lives through recognition for all those things we do. Leading an "ordinary" life no longer is enough...or so society tells us. It really hit home with some of the things I've been pondering as I redefine what I want out of this life. What I want to look back on. Did I decide to give blogging a shot because of external pressures (everyone else is doing it so I should too), or did I just want a place to share with a larger group of my friends and family than I can reach on a day by day basis. Do I feel my life is not extraordinary if I don't start seeking out recognition, or am I happy to experience an "ordinary" life.
Well, I don't know the short answer to that. Just like with everything, there is no black or white, there are tradeoffs to everything I choose to spend time on, and priorities are ever evolving. Right now I've been concentrating mostly on being thankful for the everyday things, and even the bad stuff that happens leads to further thankfulness. So creatively, my biggest thing has been the Project Life album. I put it on my sidebar as soon as I started blogging a couple of months ago, and I've mentioned it to some people, but haven't done a show and tell yet. Well, given that the stomach flu has run it's course, I'll still be able to go to Foxy Lady Day on Sunday (yay!) and the main thing I'll be working on is my PL album. Then I'll feel like I can show and tell. :)
Off to get my presents ready....
Woop woop! International Scrapbooking Day is here! And I am so excited to be a part of it by hosting a challenge over at The Scrapgals'...
Well, I haven't been keeping up with posting on here as much as I'd like because 1. I have actually been busy craftin. Woohoo! ...
I'm pretty savvy at Photoshop, and I like to play around, but one thing I never thought I'd ever make was a sketch. But now I'v...