Pixie @ 3 days |
Today I
get got to celebrate the birthday of one of my most favorite people in the whole wide world, my firstborn daughter Pixie. 8 years ago at 3:29 am an angelic 7 lb 19 inch little girl said hello to the world. (after a 9hr labor which wasn't too too bad except for waiting to get the epidural then going thru the painful transition phase from 6 cm to 9 cm dilation
during the 30 minutes of answering questions and sitting up still as they inserted the needle in the spine)
Pixie @ 1 yr |
Pixie was a super duper sweet baby and toddler. She sat up at 4 months, crawled at 8 months, walked at 11 months and didn't get her first tooth till 11.5 months. She was sweet and quiet and a true joy. She's always loved arts and crafts, reading and building things, usually with LEGOs. Especially when Daddy is there playing along.
Pixie @ 2 yrs |
Pixie is definitely a nature girl. Or a monkey. Not sure which. Her favorite place to hang out is literally hanging in a tree. And some of her favorite playmates are the bugs crawling and buzzing around. I must have had a premonition because when she was two I bought her this super cute ladybug costume. She wore it two years in a row (and Ariel later wore it once) and she was the most adorable little bug I've ever seen! Particularly worms. In fact two years ago for her birthday the kids spent most of the time outside digging for worms and last year she forewent a party altogether to go see
Cirque Du Soleil's OVO, who's theme is, you guessed it, bugs.
Pixie @2.5 yrs |
Pixie @3 yrs |
Pixie is a beautiful soul. She is kind and sensitive to other people's needs and truly empathic. So much so that it isn't the traditional "scary" parts of movies that bother her. It's when someone is being hurt, either physically or verbally that she goes to pieces. I think she considers being followed around with a camera abuse, cuz she'll often give me a look like this when I'm trying to take a picture (or 20).
Pixie @ 4 yrs |
For her fist Christmas mama had the foresight to get Pixie a special lovey. His name is Hippy (the hippo) and he's still her special friend. In fact she has two Hippys (didn't want to risk loosing it when she was still a toddler and having to scramble for a substitute) and one "little Hippy" that a friend of the family gave her that's the same as her buddy, but the stuffed animal version, not the blankie version and has added a Hippo pillow pet called "Pippy". She sleeps with all of them, plus a sundry of other buddies. She feels really bad if she has to leave any out of the bed.
Pixie @ 5 yrs |
She does have some quirks, or as I like to call them, Pixie-isms. Some are cute, some not so much. She's very tender headed and it can be a struggle to get her hair well washed and combed. Not so cute. She does not like toothpaste, it doesn't matter the flavor. Not so cute. When we have something where we ask a general question, like what should we do now, she says "ooh, pick me, pick me". Super Cute! She often has a favorite word that lasts a few weeks. The latest is "apparently". I could go either way on that one. If she gets in trouble and sent to her room, she'll make an apology note and stick it on her door. Super Cute. She always wipes a kiss off herself, but then makes the motion that she's saving it in her pocket. Super Duper Cute!
Pixie @ 6 yrs |
Right now Pixie is in 2nd grade and she's been doing great. She got 4's on all but one of the "know by end of year" categories on her last report card. (though she's already so over the novelty of homework!) She's gets along with everyone, I wouldn't go so far as to call her Miss Popularity, but everyone likes to play with her, both girls and boys. And although sometimes I'd swear she's already PMSing, usually at home she is very helpful and (mostly) graciously gives in to her younger more impulsive sister when she's asked to. She's been in gymnastics since she was 4 yrs old and just moved up another level last week. Girls 3, not sure if that's a standard level. She started piano in the fall and LOVES it. Practicing, not so much. But she's doing awesome, her teacher is very impressed.
Pixie @ 7 yrs |
I can't wait to see what the future holds for my dear little snookums. My little burrito. And yet I'm in no hurry to have her grow up. My sweet, dear baby girl.
Last night I went in to tuck her in and say good night. Pixie says to me "When you are in the room I am content" That makes me all sorts of happy. She makes me all sorts of happy.
Mama fox is one proud mama!